We want to do everything possible to make your return process smooth and easy. Our guarantee to you is that if you wish to return unopened products for any reason you may send them back to us postmarked within 30 days from the invoice date. Please contact Harbor Tea & Spice at 907-523-2777 in order to begin the return process. We cannot accept returns of consumable products.
Qualifying returns are eligible for a refund to your credit card. If you paid for your order with cash, we can issue a refund in the form of a company check 30 days after your invoice date – although you are welcome to make a return anytime within the 30 day period.
Please include a copy of your invoice in the return package, or a note with your name, address, and telephone number. We would appreciate a short explanation as to the reason for your return. Your feedback helps us to understand the needs and concerns of our valued customers. Once returned products have arrived at our store, a refund can be issued.
We accept local returns at our Harbor Tea & Spice Store. Please bring your receipt along with your returned items. Please note that returns can only be accepted if ordered within the last 30 days. Our store is located in the Senate Mall at 175 S. Franklin St. Ste. 105, Juneau AK 99801. Our retail store's winter hours are from 11:00 am to 5:30 pm Alaska Standard Time Monday through Saturday and from 12:00 am to 4:00 pm on Sunday. Our summer hours are from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm Alaska Standard Time 7 days a week.
Returns may be shipped to the following address:
Harbor Tea & Spice
Attn: Returns
175 S Franklin St Ste 105
Juneau, AK 99801
If you have any additional questions or concerns please contact us at 907-523-2777 you may e-mail us at info@harborteaspice.com.
All shipping charges become the sole responsibility of the customer unless it is the error of Harbor Tea & Spice. Any refused or non-deliverable packages will be canceled upon receipt and will be subject to a return shipping fee by the carrier and this fee will be deducted from the refund amount for the products. Original shipping is non-refundable.
Harbor Tea & Spice only ships to final destinations located in the USA and Canada. If you are using a freight forwarder to ship overseas or to Mexico, you (or the freight forwarder that you so designate) become the exporter of the goods. Harbor Tea & Spice will not be responsible for damage or loss that occurs to goods after they are received and shipped by the freight forwarder. This means that Harbor Tea & Spice will not be able to provide a replacement of, or refund for, any goods delivered to a freight forwarder, nor will we be able to address any issues with quality concerns once the package has left the country.
Please do not return products that do not meet the return criteria listed above, as we will not be able to issue refunds for non-qualifying items and cannot return the items to you.
If your order is received with any notable shortcomings, please contact customer service immediately. All discrepancies, shortages, broken merchandise and any requests for returns must be made within 30 days of the issued invoice date. Any requests for compensation or remediation will not be accepted after 30 days of the invoice date.